Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Just watched the latest episode of Heroes online. Addicting show. Someone managed to bring super-heroes and powers to the TV without directly addressing the spandex and megalomaniacal villains and robots. Am v. happy. Doesn't hurt that veteran comic writer Jeph Loeb is in it. Those paintings? Tim Sale. Mmm, quite content.

Am very glad that Christopher Eccleston was brought in. A great Doctor Who (though I prefer Tennant...sorry, Eccy), I can't wait to see how they work him out. Thankfully brief on Nikki/Jessica...they're only cool when they're in action, otherwise v. tired of them.

Hiro = Kakui/Kawaiii. Can't wait to see him with sword.

Yay, Zach is back. Claire and him are a great couple. Even if they're not into one another (Zach's confused. Though why when Claire is there is something of a question. She might not be super hot, but she's cute. With a nice bod. And tush.)

You know, I once really never understood the obsession with the butt. The song 'I like big butts' or wha'ev, and the whole ass thing...honestly, wasn't sure what was so big about it. But then a few years ago I suddenly understood why. Curves = ^_^

Series direction = up up and away!

Its 1 30 am. Sleeeeeep.

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